2024 Christmas Concert
in General December 20, 2024
Aeolian Male Voice Choir 2024 Christmas Concert
There was a buzz around the Howard Centre as an eager crowd gathered outside the doors of the auditorium while last minute sound checks and seating arrangements were concluded. The anticipation that precedes seasonal events in December reflects the enjoyment that music adds to the general atmosphere of growing excitement as we approach Christmas. Perhaps hearing Christmas music may even help to relieve the stress that (I’m told) women, and mothers in particular, feel as the main event gets ever nearer. Certainly there was something in the air that night.
And then , to the rousing strains of the Welsh male voice choir standard Christus Salvator, the show began. Compere Bill Caldwell guided the audience through the evening giving explanatory introductory comments about each item eloquently and with humour. We were treated to many different genres of Festive song from the choir ranging from traditional Christmas favourites, God Rest You Merry,Gentlemen, and Good Christians All, Rejoice to the modern, John Rutter’s Candlelight Carol and, from film, John Williams’ and Leslie Bricusse’s Somewhere in My Memory which evokes the sentiments surrounding the family Christmas at home. Also it is always nice to hear an old favourite hymn sung to a new tune and Away in a Manger sounded magical to a tune by American composer A.Woods.
As in previous years the sound of cheerful brass music proved popular with the audience once again when the Dunaskin Doon Brass Quintet worked their way through some beautiful arrangements of well known Christmas music. The audience contributed also with a couple of favourite Christmas hymns. There were surely some men in the audience who could be future members of the Choir!
The star of the show just had to be, without being unkind to any other performers, the choir’s special guest John McGill. His tribute to Michael Buble, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, and his reading of a letter from a Great War soldier to his mother as an introduction to Christmas 1915, which tells of the famous unofficial Christmas ceasefire during WW1, were the highlights of the concert. You’ll Never Walk Alone had the choir and audience in good voice too and the newly repaired roof was nearly raised.
A departure from the Christmas theme brought three ‘pop’ songs from the choir, Something (George Harrison), Only You (Vince Clarke) and An American Trilogy (Mickey Newbury) showed the range of musical genres now being embraced by the Aeolian and should surely attract new members who could form a ‘youth wing’!
But in December you can’t keep the Christmas vibe away for long The Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth merge of two songs made famous by the late great Bing Crosby and now late David Bowie began the final section of the programme. Saviours Day is a rousing old favourite of the choir but the climax to the whole show had to be the return of John McGill to sing the song which unexpectedly made him a star (deservedly) on national television, O Holy Night, this time backed by the choir in a great Alan Simmons arrangement.
The choir President Alex Findlay humorously but sincerely thanked all involved, especially the Musical Director Alistair Peter and Accompanist Matt Allison before The Dunaskin Doon Quintet accompanied the wonderfully ‘oompah’ style Schneewalzer with the choir’s famously imprecise swaying, complete with Santa hats. All present were surely ready for a very Merry Christmas.
Reg Short